
My New Secret Strategy To LinkedIn

Danny Leibrandt

Danny Leibrandt

Apr 22, 2024

I’m thrilled to share that I recently had my two best-performing posts on LinkedIn ever! If you’ve been wondering how to skyrocket your engagement and connect more meaningfully with your audience, you’re in the right place. Today, I’m going to reveal my new secret strategy that has brought me these incredible results. Let’s dive into it!

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1. Do Something Cool

Yes, you read that right. The foundation of this strategy is to do something cool. This might sound straightforward, but it already sets you apart from 90% of people who aren’t taking this step. This strategy is not for the average Joe; it’s for those who are out there doing remarkable things.

What qualifies as something cool?

  • Client Results: Share the success stories of your clients. Showcase the transformation you’ve helped them achieve.

  • Follower Count Milestones: Celebrate your growing audience. Whether you’ve reached 1,000 or 100,000 followers, it’s an achievement worth sharing.

  • New Skills Learned: Highlight the new skills you’ve acquired. This not only shows your commitment to personal growth but also inspires others to learn.

These examples are just the beginning. Any transformational story can work here. Ask yourself, “Do other people want to do this too?” If the answer is yes, then you’ve got a winner.

2. Celebrate What You Did

After doing something cool, the next step is to celebrate it. This is your moment to shine! Create a post that not only tells your story but also provides proof of your achievement. This could be in the form of screenshots, testimonials, or any other media that showcases your success.

Why is this important?

  • Posts with Media Perform Better: Visual content is more engaging and tends to perform better on social media.

  • People Love to Celebrate Others: Your audience enjoys seeing success and will want to celebrate with you.

For example, I recently congratulated someone who hit 20k followers. My simple message of “Congrats man! Love to see it 🥂” not only spread positivity but also built a connection. People want to associate with those who are achieving great things, and your celebration post does just that.

3. Tell People How They Can Too

Here’s where the magic happens. Celebration posts are great, but if you want to take it to the next level, tell people how they can achieve similar results. This turns your post from a simple celebration into a valuable resource.

Tips for Creating Valuable Content:

  • Go In-Depth: Don’t be afraid to dive deep into the details. Provide step-by-step guides, tips, and insights.

  • Keep It Concise: While being detailed, ensure your content is concise and to the point. Valuable content doesn’t mean long-winded content.

  • Engage with Your Audience: Encourage your readers to ask questions and engage with your content. This builds a community around your achievements.

When you provide actionable advice, your audience will love you for it. They’ll see you as a valuable resource and will keep coming back for more.

Final Thoughts

In my opinion, this content strategy will stand the test of time. Why? Because you’re doing real stuff and giving real value. It’s not just another AI-generated thread; it’s authentic and impactful. People love to celebrate achievements and learn how they can achieve them too. By combining both, you give them a reason to engage with your content.


  1. Do Something Cool: Share transformational stories.

  2. Celebrate What You Did: Create engaging posts with proof.

  3. Tell People How They Can Too: Provide actionable advice.

And that’s all, folks! I hope you found this strategy valuable. If you did, please comment down below ⬇️ and let me know your thoughts. Together, let’s continue to achieve great things and inspire others to do the same.


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