Public Speaking

My Top 5 Tips For New Public Speakers

Danny Leibrandt

Danny Leibrandt

May 6, 2024

Danny Leibrandt on stage
Danny Leibrandt on stage
Danny Leibrandt on stage

Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to speak at two conferences. With only a few days' notice for each, it was a whirlwind experience. Despite the short preparation time, the audience loved it. Reflecting on what made my talks successful, I realized there are some key strategies that any new speaker can use to excel on stage. Here are my top five tips for new speakers.

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1. Start with a Story

Every great speaker knows the power of storytelling. Stories captivate your audience and make your message more relatable and memorable. When I was preparing my talks on AI and SEO, I initially struggled to find a story that tied everything together. Then, two days before the first conference, I had a meeting with a roofer. We reviewed his SEO options, and he mentioned an SEO program that used AI for everything—a clear violation of Google’s guidelines.

That night, it hit me: this was the perfect story to frame my talk. I began my presentation with this real-world example, explaining the pitfalls of relying too heavily on AI in SEO. It immediately grabbed the audience's attention and set the stage for the lessons I wanted to impart.

2. Talk from Experience

Audiences appreciate authenticity. Sharing personal experiences not only establishes your credibility but also makes your message more engaging. During my talks, I discussed how I achieved my Google Knowledge Panel and how I generate 55 pieces of content from one idea. These examples showcased my expertise and provided practical insights that attendees could apply to their own work.

I avoided vague industry jargon and instead focused on my own journey. This approach resonated with the audience because they could see that I wasn’t just reciting theories—I was sharing what had worked for me.

3. Tie Back to One Big Lesson

Every speech should have one clear, overarching lesson. Audiences can easily get overwhelmed by too many statistics and points. My main lesson was the importance of following EEAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness). I structured my talk to:

  • Explain what EEAT is

  • Provide a bad example of its absence

  • Highlight why it’s important

  • Share how I implement EEAT

  • Guide the audience on how they can apply it themselves

This focused approach ensured that my audience left with a clear understanding of the key takeaway.

4. Don’t Sell Anything

One of the quickest ways to lose your audience’s trust is to try to sell them something during your talk. The moment people sense a sales pitch, they become skeptical of your motives. Instead, focus on delivering value and building trust.

I made it a point not to sell anything during my presentations. Instead, I provided valuable information and practical tips that attendees could use right away. This approach not only kept the audience engaged but also built goodwill and trust.

5. Bring the Energy

Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, but energy and enthusiasm can make a huge difference. Rather than standing still and speaking in a monotone voice, I moved around the stage and spoke with passion. This not only made me feel more comfortable but also kept the audience engaged.

I treated my talks like conversations with friends—light-hearted, dynamic, and full of energy. This approach might not work for everyone, but finding a way to bring energy to your presentation is crucial.

Final Thoughts

Speaking on stage can be intimidating, but like any other skill, it gets easier with practice. I’ve now spoken at three conferences, and each one has been progressively easier. Your first speech might be challenging, but the more you do it, the better you’ll become.


  1. Start with a story

  2. Talk from experience

  3. Tie back to one big lesson

  4. Don’t sell anything

  5. Bring the energy

Public speaking is a journey. It’s about finding your voice, connecting with your audience, and delivering value. I hope you found these tips helpful. If you did, please comment down below ⬇️ and share your own experiences and tips for public speaking.


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